free from perfection

Free from Perfection

Salut de Montreal! Last week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Andreanne Charbonneau. She is the Director of Marketing for Pacini restaurants, speaks 4 languages, and is a mother to two young children (So she's basically Superwoman).


Q. How have you learned how to address failure?

A. The most important thing is to accept it. It's very difficult at first. When I was young, I wanted to show everyone that I was perfect, trustworthy, and reliable. What I've learned is that when you make a mistake, the most important think is to own up to it because people will forgive you. 


Q. Has there ever been a time where being a woman has affected you at work?

A. Sometimes it feels like when a women says something it is not perceived the same way when a man does. Does it still feel like you are at a disadvantage? Yes. It is very subtle, but it is still here in 2017. Even after 20 years of experience I feel it. What Nathalie (the President of Pacini) is showing me is I can be more firm and direct. 


Q. What brings you freedom at work?

A. To come up with an idea, and to be listened to. To be considered. Being told, "This is your project, now deliver it your way." This happens a lot at Pacini, and it is very rewarding. A great moment of freedom was my boss saying, "Go observe the world. Check out the market. Feel things, don't rationalize everything." At University I was trained to look at the facts and statistics. It's easy to forget at the end of the day you deal with humans. If you connect yourself to humanity and listen to your heart, you will be able to make decisions quickly and confidently. Then you can go check the if data supports what you feel. This is what I learned working at Pacini, and it is the ultimate freedom. 


It was my pleasure to interview such an inspiring, hardworking young woman.